Collected Dataset / EPIPAGE2 Perinatal Self Administered Quest Dataset

EPIPAGE2 Perinatal Self Administered Quest Dataset

Networks -
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Associated study

Acronym EPIPAGE 2
Name Étude épidémiologique sur les petits âges gestationnels
Study design Cohort
Number of very preterm (VPT) and/or very low birthweight (VLBW) births included in cohort (live & still births) 5170
  • France


EPIPAGE 2 Cohort

Population based cohort - All births (live births, still births and terminations of pregnancy) in maternity units within the regions.

Data Collection Event

Perinatal Assessment

Data about pregnancy and birth were extracted from medical records or obtained by questionnaires sent to the maternity unit including maternal SES and demographic characteristics, maternal and paternal medical history, maternal and paternal height and weight, obstetric history, details of current pregnancy, infertility treatment, prenatal screening tests, decisions to withhold or withdraw treatment during pregnancy or in delivery room, hospitalisations during pregnancy, pregnancy complications, drug treatments during pregnancy, maternal transfers, prenatal growth estimates, delivery, treatments during labour, summary of mother's stay in maternity unit, infant's condition during stay in maternity unit, delivery room management, and mortality. Data on the neonatal period were collected from neonatal records or the neonatology team including neonatal complications and morbidity, neurological evaluation, care and treatment, developmental care, nutrition, congenital anomalies, infant condition at discharge, and decisions to withhold or withdraw treatment.

Mothers whose infant was discharged alive from the first neonatal unit or who were discharged from the maternity unit and not transferred, were interviewed about maternal SES and demographic characteristics, health insurance, parental height and weight, smoking before/during pregnancy, fertility treatment, previous pregnancies, antenatal consultations and care, birth plan and reasons for any changes, hospitalisations during pregnancy, maternal transfers for delivery, length of hospital stay before birth, neonatal breastfeeding and nutrition, infant transfers.

Additionally, questionnaires were sent to the maternity and neonatal units to evaluate the type of unit, policies and practices, types of care delivered, staffing, unit environment, treatment to maintain pregnancy/improve infant viability, policies related to delivery, transfers and transport services, liaison between maternity and neonatal units, decisions to withhold or withdraw care, details of intensive care, type of examinations/screening provided to infants, developmental care and parental involvement, breastfeeding, policies and practices related to discharge and follow up after discharge.